Notice: Information on this page was taken from old (2020) help page. Some mechanics may have changed since then.


Whether it means the construction of a building, the production of a resource, an artistic performance or a request of vassalage, every action involves units in a building or in a precise location on the map. The calculation of the action depends on the skills of units, associated with mandatory or optional resources.

Skills and resources

Each action defines a set of required skills, mandatory or not, associated with resources, mandatory or not. For example, in the case of making bread, the required skills and resources are: The skill multiplier represents the amount of work required in each skill. The higher this multiplier, the more important the skill is in determining the result of the action and the longer the action is. For each skill, a certain amount of resources of different types may be required. These resources can be mandatory or optional. In some cases, you can choose from several types of resources, each resource type giving different bonus to the skill. Some skills like Carriage, Sawing or Stone cutting depend on the selected resources. The amount of work for these skills can not be known in advance.

Amount of work

The amount of work for each skill is shared between the units assigned to the action, according to their abilities, in order to maximize the action. This is particularly evident in the construction of a building, involving several trades: the carpenters will manage most of the carpentry work, leaving the masons and the roofers the tasks for which they are specialized. A skill is usable by a unit only if its calculated skill bonus is greater than -25. If a skill does not find any suitable unit, the action is not possible.

Action duration

The duration of the action is related to the amount of work in each skill and the units involved, according to their skill bonus, which takes account of the resources used.
Bonus Speed
-20 ×0.25
-10 ×0.85
+0 ×1.00
+10 ×1.11
+20 ×1.21
+30 ×1.29
+40 ×1.37
The more units involved in a work, the faster it is. However, this acceleration is not linear:
Units Rapidité
1 ×1.00
2 ×1.58
3 ×2.06
4 ×2.50
5 ×2.89
The total duration of the action is equal to the longest duration among the different tasks (skills) that constitute the action.

Action quality

The quality of the action determines the quality of the produced resources, the quality of the construction or in the case of a performance, the value of the bonuses awarded by the action. As for the calculation of the duration, the quality is calculated separately for each skill in the action, depending on the skill bonus of the units involved, taking into account the resources used.
Bonus Quality
+0 0%
+25 50%
+50 75%
+75 87%
+100 94%
+125 97%
+150 98%
The overall quality of the action is equal to the average of the qualities produced in each skill, weighted by the amount of work. In the example of making bread, if we ignore the carriage of flour and fuel, we can see that the quality of the bread depends 93% of the Bakery skill and only 7% of the Fire skill.

Effect of temperature

Temperature has an effect on most resource productions. This effect results in a variation of the produced quantity and quality. Each type of resource defines a range of temperatures. The production is optimal at the center of this range. At the edges, the produced quantity is halved and quality varies according to the following table:
Bonus Qualité optimale Qualité aux limites
+0 0% 0%
+25 50% 39%
+50 75% 62%
+75 87% 77%
+100 94% 86%
+125 97% 91%
+150 98% 95%
This variation in quantity and quality follows a bell curve that continues outside the temperature range.